It is fun to learn anything new about someone you know or love. I am usually very open about who I am, but you never know!! Here's more than you need to know about MOI...
1. I am 34 years young.
2. I have four bothers and sisters (and we all have bdays in December).
3. My parents divorced when I was 23 and pregnant with my second child.
4. My favorite color is dark green.
5. Mayo and Poi are two things I will never voluntarily eat.
6. I am a strong woman with standards and that sometimes turns people off; good thing I don't care what people think.
7. I moved away and started college when I was 17.
8. I have lived in 8 states and two countries.
9. My first job was at a car lot at age 13; next to babysitting my siblings...I really mean paying job.
10. I am a mutt: Hawaiian/Chinese, French, German, Blackfoot Indian, and I think a few other things, too.
11. I attend University of Maryland and I'm in my second year there.
12. My best friend lives in Indiana and I miss her CRAZY!
13. I am a member of the Family Readiness Group for the Army.
14. I love to dance...I will bust out into some dance moves at any given time.
15. I have no religious preference. I just believe in God, praise and talk to Him wherever I am, not only on Sundays in a church.
16. I do not like coffee...only the frozen vanilla drinks they sell at Starbucks.
17. I am in denial that I have changed dress sizes since having my last baby.
18. I love to eat veggies...every kind and cooked any way.
19. I am not the most punctual person. But I AM making an effort to better that.
20. I am 5'3" and like being short.
21. I do not get enough sleep as I should....and it's hard for me to naps during the day.
22. I was a Varsity cheerleader my Sophomore year of HS.
23. My son is diagnosed with Autism.
24. I am great in math...but not as great as my older sister (she teaches AP Math classes and College courses)
25. I am one of the best friends you could ever have. But I believe in quality, not quantity!
26. I voted for Obama.
27. I have one crown that I got on my birthday (yes, like three weeks ago).
28. I love facebook...even when I said I would never really get into it.
29. My three kids are growing into well-mannered, responsible, and loving people. I couldn't be a prouder mom to have instilled that in them.
30. I cannot wait to visit my mom's side of the family in Hawaii this year.
31. I have realized my enjoyment in writing...beginning with this blog.
32. Peanut butter chocolate ice cream is the best ice cream out there.
33. I jumped on the bandwagon and read Twilight intensely...but couldn't get into New Moon.
34. I am addicted to soda pop...something else I am trying to work on.
35. The movie Grease reminds me of me and my sister Thyme when we were silly girls.
36. Right now I cannot lift my arms (I got worked at the gym by Mrs Tammy)
37. I haven't washed the dinner dishes in about a year since our daughter took that chore over (refer to's all part of the plan).
38. I keep all my kids' art and writings.
39. I have one scrapbook I got in 2000 that is still not complete (I really need my very own craft room).
40. I have never owned a house....yet!!!
41. There are still 4 nieces and a nephew of mine that I haven't met since being in Japan.
42. I was never a really good roller skater, but I could still do that one leg over the other maneuver.
43. I am obsessed with Teppanyaki Steakhouses.
44. My new favorite body mist is Victoria's Secret Daydream.
45. I have only owned Canon cameras, but want one of those big old fancy ones (my anniversary is soon isn't it?...YES).
46. annivesary is March 22, 1996.
47. When Mr. Cheeks' song Lights, Camera, Action comes on I will immediately start dancing like a mad woman.
48. I love watching shows about crime investigation. I secretly wanted to be a cop when I was in HS.
49. I used to go to the clubs with my friend in matching outfits...back in the day.
50. I am definitely addicted to salt and pepper.
51. I am finding that a list of 100 things about me takes a lot longer than I thought.
52. I have done Amsterdam...all the way! (By far the best girlfriend trip I have ever been on)
53. My middle name is Danielle.
54. When I was a kid, my parents made me have a pixie cut for years. I loathed them for that!
55. I gave birth to JD alone in Germany while George was in Bosnia.
56. I wish I could get paid for blogging LOL!!
57. I have seen DMX at a club in Phoenix.
58. I am never afraid to say what I think.
59. Debbie Gibson and New Kids on the Block were my very first concerts. I heart them still.
60. I do not know how to sew.
61. I had quit college when I was 18 and wish I hadn't.
62. I could care less about video games or electronics. My husband cares enough for the both of us.
63. I don't really like cell phones.
64. I enjoy KimChi....alot!
65. I believe in miracles because I have seen them happen.
66. My husband nor I are into sports like the rest of my extended family is.
67. I think it would be fun to be an interior designer.
68. I am drawn to reality shows...all of them.
69. I don't own or wear nearly as much jewelry as most women. I do have a lot of sterling silver and white gold jewelry though, I don't get down with yellow gold.
70. I wish my husband or mother-in-law would teach my kids spanish.
71. I love going to a huge bookstore with my family...I miss those.
72. I have kissed a girl before...and didn't like it.
73. I used to work in the Post Op recovery room at a hospital in GA.
74. I have never not gotten a job I have interviewed far.
75. I look best in earthy father was right I guess.
76. I have owned lots of cars...76 Olds Cutlass Supreme, 81 Ford Escort, 83 Plymouth Horizon, ?? brown station wagon, 87 Nissan Sentra, 88 Ford F-150, ?? Opel, 00 Ford Focus, 03 Windstar, 01 Ford F-150 and the two we have here...POS#1 and POS#2.
77. I love my husband more than he probably knows.
78. I can change a tire, put together an entertainment center, host a dinner party, and take care of a home all by myself.
79. I still have all my Christmas stuff up as of today, I like the ambiance.
80. I learn something new everyday, even if I have to make myself.
81. I am a passionate person and I am moved very easily.
82. I spent a whole summer at my cousin's pool when I was a kid...loved that!
83. I think that respect is earned, for everyone!
84. I love roller coasters and amusement parks...Disney is the best place on Earth.
85. I love taking photographs of everything.
86. George and I got married at a courthouse.
87. I despise putting laundry away and grocery shopping.
88. I had a c-section with my third and last child after two natural births.
89. I get road rage sometimes...more than I should.
90. I miss my dog Penny more than anyone knows, even if it was my fault.
91. My family is the MOST important relationship I have.
92. I learned to drive on a stick shift.
93. I am smarter than any job I have had...except parenting.
94. I moved in and fell in love with my husband one week after seeing him again.
95. I went to HS with my husband; that's what I was referring to in the question above.
96. I love Spring.
97. I am pretty good with gardening...I won Yard of the Month at our last duty station.
98. I have a secret crush on Shia Lebouf.
99. I am a Capricorn, but on the cusp. That might explain a lot :o)
100. When I lived in AZ, I went to a "Palm Reader" at the fair and she told me I would have a third child someday (I totally blew her off because I already had my TWO kids set)...5 years later Teage came into our lives unexpectedly!!
Isla Fam Bam complete.....
and by the way – there IS a tip jar
13 hours ago
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