Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We've Moved!

To all my loyal readers,

My Fam Bam Blog has WordPress!

I really want you all to move with me as I have revamped and reorganized the plans I have for my blog...Check it out!

Click here:


or here:

See you on the other side :o)

Love ya,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Lucky Eleven

The New Year has officially turned over and 2011 is looking promising!! 2010 was a little rough around the edges. Changes things and people, new found friends and enhanced relationships with old ones, travel, reality things and in people, the list goes on. As most know, I always try to remain optimistic. What I do know about 2010 is that just as every other year....I continue to learn something new about myself. My life is spectacular as it is...I cannot complain! My kids are healthy, my marriage is strong, I am self satisfied, I save money, I am surrounded by a family of friends that I adore, the relationship with my FL family is stronger than ever, and I am nice. What I have learned is what makes that better. Experiences in life allow us to grow and change, and again...learn.

Like for example, in 2010

I learned that staples in your head are not easily removed by a suture removal kit.

I learned that German landlords will shower you with wine and baked goods until their old house becomes a hazardous cesspool of mildew, and then they just want to sue us all.

I learned that Italy has the biggest mosquitoes on Earth.

I learned that a real friend can appreciate (without getting butt hurt) my honesty and opinions as I do theirs.

I learned that chorizo can also be tasty with my tomato/onion/bell pepper saute (thanks Ma).

I learned that being nice doesn't mean I should be used.

I learned that softball really is my fourth child.

I learned that my career goals are starting to steer me down another path that I wasn't expecting.

I learned that friends can sometimes really treat you better than Family...because the ones I bring into my life are Family, too.

I learned that Plantar's Faschitis is some low rent, old age creeper symptom.

I learned that sibling rivalry is normal....even for my crazy kids, no matter the age gap.

I learned that a vasectomy requires a lot more post op work than I had imagined ;o)

I also learned that Ipads ROCK!

Of course there are other things I learned...some more important than others. So as everyone is making their resolutions and tapping into the changes they want to make for 2011...remember that changes like this happen everyday, not just in January. I resolve to keep the flow! To be open to life's experiences and to learn from them. This is what continues to make me a better person.

With that said...I still need to lay off the fried hot wings and boiled peanuts in 2011.